Apart from being a well-stocked pharmacy, Rana Medical Store is the point of reference for most dog lovers in Ram Jhula and Laxman Jhula. The veterinary shop section covers medical supplies for dogs – such as de-worm tablets, flea powder, nutrients and immune boosters, syringes and vaccines – but also various dry food brands, snacks, bowls, toys and leashes.
Rishikesh born pharmacist Mr. Sohan Singh loves dogs, animals in general that is. Not only does he have furry, four-legged friends at his home, but he also takes care of five stray dogs at the store. One of them we photographed for this profile.
Mr. Singh has been of great help with our own dogs. We appreciate his knowledge and heartfelt, attentive service.
In view of the many street animals, especially dogs, in Rishikesh, it is always delightful to see when humans respect and help them to survive. Dogs on roads get into brutal fights sometimes, and come loaded with scratches, sprains and also insects causing an array of health problems.
Although stray dogs are widely feared because some carry rabies, for the most part they are not aggressive and will only bite if provoked. Many are actually fearful of humans and the dogs' fears are justified. Unfortunately, fear and ignorance have led many Indian citizens and officials to see street dogs as nothing but a nuisance and to seek eradication using inhumane methods such as poisoning and beating.
Sadly, with the recent increase in popularity among Indians of full breed dogs, more and more street dogs are abandoned or get interbred with pet breeds.
Please contact the local Animal Trusts, if you feel called to help with your time and care, or even donations. Know that very contribution is valued to allow anti-rabies vaccination and the reduction the street dog population via spaying / neutering. Check Karma Animal Trust Rishikesh and Guardians of all Voiceless
Rana Medical Store
Kailash Gate, near Police Chowki
Haridwar Road
Muni Ki Reti
phone: 8410739329, 9557537413

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