Indian scholars play a major role in the preservation and promotion of India’s spiritual culture, Vedic heritage and Sanskrit education. And while Varanasi is famous for the country‘s most renowned Vedic and Sanskrit Universities, also Rishikesh has some noteworthy spiritual institutions, gurukulam and colleges.
Which brings us to Dr. Sabhapati Shashtri, professor for Vedic Literature and Sanskrit, and the „Chaturved Mahavidyalaya“ at Triveni Ghat, a Vedic College established around 100 years ago as the only school in Rishikesh for all four Vedas.
Sabhapati Shashtri (76) was born in Rishikesh and started his life as student of the Brahmin traditions at his family‘s University when only 5 years old. His grandfather was an Agnihotri (a Brahmin priest and guardian of the sacred fire) who maintains Agni with mantras and rituals. Sabhapati Shashtri learned from is grandfather and father. And from the age of 12 (to 20), in line with the ancestral customs, he studied at the Sanskrit College in Banares (later called Varanase Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya).
Originally from Punjab, the grandfather and his disciples were on their way to Badrinath, when one of his student fell sick. They all waited for the fellow‘s recovery which took several days. While stranded, the grandfather fell in love with Rishikesh and was sure it is the place where he wanted to set up his Gurukul. And this is where and how Chaturved Mahavidyalaya was conceived and eventually established, on the banks of Ganga at Triveni Ghat.
With assignments as Professor in different cities in India and more than 50 years of teaching experience under his belt, Dr. Sabhapati Shashtri just recently returned to Rishikesh. And we are delighted and honoured to communicate herewith the opportunity to study the Vedas and Sanskrit with this wise and experienced scholar. If you feel called to dive into ancient Indian traditions, you can apply now for studies with Dr. Sabhapati Shashtri. Best to pick one subject at a time:
- Introduction to the Vedas
- Vedas Indepth studies
- Karmakand rituals (e.g. havan, bhagavat, ceremonies)
- Spiritual Philosophy
- Sanskrit & Sanskrit Grammar
Who am I? How to be happy? What is the purpose of our existence? How to know God? What is the highest Truth? These are important and profound questions which typically lead us to introspection and to becoming spiritual seekers. India has to offer many things, but in particular guidance and knowledge to those on a spiritual quest: the most ancient scriptures, wisdom traditions as well as practices and paths to self-realisation. Spirituality is a way of life (Sanatana Dharma) since time immemorial and no other country has brought forth as many gurus, yogis, sages and scholars as Bharat.
Hindu philosophy has a diversity of traditions and numerous saints and scholars, such as Advaita Vedanta with Adi Shankaracharya as main scholar, or the Samkhya tradition (which is most related to the Yoga school) with Sage Kapila who is traditionally credited as its founder. Then there is the Śaiva / Shaivism tradition and also Mīmāṃsā, whose founder was the ancient Indian scholar Jaimini, a direct disciple of Rishi Veda Vyasa, and more.
Time flies when you speak to Guruji Sabhapati and he provides inspiring impulses for any subject you bring to the table, be it dharma, karma, dukkha, meditation, samadhi and moksha...
Note the the Chaturved Mahavidyalaya has also a few rooms to allow deep immersion and residential training.
Dr. Sabhapati Shashtri
*By appointment only*
Chaturved Mahavidyalaya
Triveni Ghat
call: +91 8534 061198

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